Friday, October 26, 2012

Political Geography

Federal Republic 
Felipe Calderón

Communist state
Wen Jiabao

Federal Republic 
President: Pratibha Patil
Prime Minister: Manmohan Singh

Islamic Republic 
Hamid Karzai

Mahmoud Ahmadi-nejad
Theocratic Republic

Parliamentary Democracy 
Nesi HaMedina 

Federal Republic
Bundespräsident- Angela Merkel 

United Kingdom 
Constitutional monarchy and Common Wealth Realm 
David Cameron 


Federal Republic 
Dilma Ruosseff 

Federal Republic 
Hugo Chávez  

Saudi Arabia
King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz 

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Five Religions

Christianity was founded around 30 A.D., in Palestine. Christianity is monotheistic because we believe in a tripartite God. It has a holy book, it is called the Bible. Christianity has about 2 billion followers today, for every three people in the world one is christian. The central figure for this religion is God, who is also three people, father, son and holy spirit. about, 27.1 % of Americans are christian, 66.3% of Europeans are, 1.4% of Africa are, 4.5% of Asia-Pacific are and 0.7% of the Middle East North Africa are Christian.

Islam was founded around 632 AD by Muhammad in Mecca. It is polytheistic, they believe in a moon god, Allah and his three daughters. The religion has many holy books and some are called Twart, Zabur and Injil. it has over two billion followers, it has recently passed Christianity. the central figure of this religion is Allah.

Buddhism was founded in the fourth or fifth century B.C. in northern India. Buddhism is monotheistic. it does not have a holy book. Buddhism has about 200-500 million followers today. Buddha is the main figure in this religion. The largest number of Buddhists per capita is, appropriately, in Tibet.

Hinduism was founded between 1500-500 BCE in India. The exact date is unknown. It is a monotheistic religion. Hinduism does have a holy book but they are called holly texts. This religion has many gods and some are evil. There are about 900 million followers of the Hindu religion.  

Monday, October 8, 2012

HumanGeo 10/8/12

today in Human Geo we went over our tests from the other day. i did not do too well but it wasn't far off from my goal. as we were checking it i realized that all the answers that i had skipped i knew them. i was so angry and wanted to redo it. some of my friends did not do so well either, and that made me feel better. the class average was not bad either. i hope there are other chances to bring up my grade fefor the end of the quarter.  

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Freedom to Change

today in class we reviewed the movie. our goal for today was to find foundations for The Lost Boys. this was were class got crazy. everyone was deleting everything people put up. Mr. Schick made a blog post that everyone could edit, this was a bad idea. people were adding names to random things, they were deleting things and writing things about other students. we did not get anything accomplished in 20 minutes. Mr. Schick stopped it then had a talk about it, he then made it so we could edit it. people were still doing things but not as much. this was probably the least productive class yet, but it was fun!

Monday, October 1, 2012

End of Movie

today in class we finished the movie,God Grew Tired of Us. it was such a good movie all together. it was so moving, it makes me want to do something. i want to help. i would feel so much better about myself and i live seeing people caring. i hope in the future we get to watch more of these movies. i would like to see more of the lost boys in Africa could come over and learn about technology and other essentials we take for granite. other people in the world have no idea what these people have gone through. i hope the movie gets out and people see how these people are living.