Monday, December 3, 2012

Video Part Three

today is my first blog in a while. in class we just finished the first part of a video on china. we skipped the second part and when strait to the third. we learned that china used to have barely any cars and everyone was riding bikes. any way in part one of the videos they finished by showing a Wal Mart and the lady loves it. she got chicken feet, which are a delicacy in china. she also got many more things but i couldn't see anything else. in part three, we saw that there are no courts when you get in a car crash. if there is a police officer in the area, he comes over and determines whose fault it is. sometimes if there is barely no damage they do it in secret and just pay each other.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

11/14/12 CLASS

today in class we had a shadow. Mr. Schick made it really awkward for her, but it was funny. we changed seats and i sit in the back. we have to write a 500 word essay but it is not to bad. i am doing mine on the relationship of Mexico, Venezuela and America. we did not do to much today in class but ill tell you about the rest of my day. i got a 100% on my Science project and so did most of the other people did. it was really easy. in math we started a new chapter and that is easy as well. i don't really have very much more to say. i hope you enjoyed.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Assembly Day

today's class was fun. we looked over our tests and i got a good grade on it. i was so happy, this was my highest score yet. we got off track a lot but nit too much. i hoe that in the future i will get even better grades. we also had an assembly for people who got honors and for veteran's. there were three speakers. i did not get honors but i will try even harder to get it this quarter. tomorrow we are having another assembly about different things. i don't have that much to talk about so that's the end of this post.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

11/7/12 Class

today was fun we didn't do a lot but i still learned some things. we continued to talk about the world leaders and the countries they are from. i did not do the blog about that so i am just copying down what i here about them. i am actually learning more and more each day. the class is really fun but mr. schick said we could switch seats but we didnt. hopefully we will change tomorrow.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Election Day

it has been awhile but here it goes. today was a productive and fun day.we got our quiz's back and i didn't do so well on it. i hope i can do better on the next one and all the other ones. today is also election day, i hope who ever wins will be best for the country, but mainly i want Romney to win. the country deserves a good leader.

World Leaders

Malamud Ahmadinejad 
Activist against women's rights 
Not a good leader for America 

Saudi Arabia 
Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz Al Saud
President since 2005
King for a long time 
He has 35 children and 14 wives 
Muslim Country there for he is Muslim 

Hugo Chavez 
Coop d'etat- over throw the government from within 
He was unsuccessful and put in jail for 2 years

Angela Merkel 
Catholic organization 

Pranab Mukherjee
Senior leader of the national congress 
in 2010 he was voted the best financial manager in Asia 

Dilma Rousseff
Was in jail and Tortured   
Was 22 when this happened 

Hu Jintao 
Assumed office in 2002 
When he was young he was active in politics 

Hamid Karzai 
Taliban was original control of Afghanistan 

United Kingdom 
Prime Minister David Cameron 
When he was little he received a good education
Graduated from Oxford 
Received a Degree in Philosophy, Politics and Economics  
Queen Elizabeth 
Been in power longer than any one in power now
Queen not the biggest figure in the world 




Friday, October 26, 2012

Political Geography

Federal Republic 
Felipe Calderón

Communist state
Wen Jiabao

Federal Republic 
President: Pratibha Patil
Prime Minister: Manmohan Singh

Islamic Republic 
Hamid Karzai

Mahmoud Ahmadi-nejad
Theocratic Republic

Parliamentary Democracy 
Nesi HaMedina 

Federal Republic
Bundespräsident- Angela Merkel 

United Kingdom 
Constitutional monarchy and Common Wealth Realm 
David Cameron 


Federal Republic 
Dilma Ruosseff 

Federal Republic 
Hugo Chávez  

Saudi Arabia
King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz 

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Five Religions

Christianity was founded around 30 A.D., in Palestine. Christianity is monotheistic because we believe in a tripartite God. It has a holy book, it is called the Bible. Christianity has about 2 billion followers today, for every three people in the world one is christian. The central figure for this religion is God, who is also three people, father, son and holy spirit. about, 27.1 % of Americans are christian, 66.3% of Europeans are, 1.4% of Africa are, 4.5% of Asia-Pacific are and 0.7% of the Middle East North Africa are Christian.

Islam was founded around 632 AD by Muhammad in Mecca. It is polytheistic, they believe in a moon god, Allah and his three daughters. The religion has many holy books and some are called Twart, Zabur and Injil. it has over two billion followers, it has recently passed Christianity. the central figure of this religion is Allah.

Buddhism was founded in the fourth or fifth century B.C. in northern India. Buddhism is monotheistic. it does not have a holy book. Buddhism has about 200-500 million followers today. Buddha is the main figure in this religion. The largest number of Buddhists per capita is, appropriately, in Tibet.

Hinduism was founded between 1500-500 BCE in India. The exact date is unknown. It is a monotheistic religion. Hinduism does have a holy book but they are called holly texts. This religion has many gods and some are evil. There are about 900 million followers of the Hindu religion.  

Monday, October 8, 2012

HumanGeo 10/8/12

today in Human Geo we went over our tests from the other day. i did not do too well but it wasn't far off from my goal. as we were checking it i realized that all the answers that i had skipped i knew them. i was so angry and wanted to redo it. some of my friends did not do so well either, and that made me feel better. the class average was not bad either. i hope there are other chances to bring up my grade fefor the end of the quarter.  

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Freedom to Change

today in class we reviewed the movie. our goal for today was to find foundations for The Lost Boys. this was were class got crazy. everyone was deleting everything people put up. Mr. Schick made a blog post that everyone could edit, this was a bad idea. people were adding names to random things, they were deleting things and writing things about other students. we did not get anything accomplished in 20 minutes. Mr. Schick stopped it then had a talk about it, he then made it so we could edit it. people were still doing things but not as much. this was probably the least productive class yet, but it was fun!

Monday, October 1, 2012

End of Movie

today in class we finished the movie,God Grew Tired of Us. it was such a good movie all together. it was so moving, it makes me want to do something. i want to help. i would feel so much better about myself and i live seeing people caring. i hope in the future we get to watch more of these movies. i would like to see more of the lost boys in Africa could come over and learn about technology and other essentials we take for granite. other people in the world have no idea what these people have gone through. i hope the movie gets out and people see how these people are living.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Human Geo 9/26/12

In Human Geo we did not do anything but watch the move. It is getting very interesting and funny. it is very inspiring and kind of sad. we get to see how they adjust to america and some of them were just eating butter. I hope the other people in Kenya get to come over too. One of the guys was using shaving cream as soap. they all did not know how to work everyday appliances such as a shower, stove and lights. The people have to get social security numbers and they have 3 months to do so. then they have to start to pay back the government for air fare. this movie is sad but moving. 

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Mid Quarter Day

Today was a good day. In Human Geo all we did was go over the test that we took yesterday. I did not do so well on this. I hope the rest of the year will be better. It was also Mid Quarters and that is to determine if you are eligible for sports. If you have a 70 or below you are not eligible. Also in Human Geo we watched more of the movie called "God Grew Tired of Us". It is about the Sudanese boys who fled a long time ago because of the civil war in Africa. It is very interesting and some of the boys, after so long, get to come to America and live normal lives in the US. One of the boys leaving sold all of his corn rash-ens and bought candy for the children of the refugee camp. This was a fun day but the last two classes i was very tired.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

JC Action Plan

  • First comes the grades you cant have a good high school career without good grades. If i do not have good grades all the following steps will just crash.
  • Next, is the sport i am planing on wrestling for the JC team. like i said in the past post if i do not have good grade i cannot play. 
  • Third, is working hard, if i do not work hard i will not get good grades and will be kicked of the wrestling team. if i do my best i will succeed and pass.
  • Fourth, is paying attention in class. class is the most important resource i have and no one can take it away from me. 
  • Finally, is choosing the right friends. I do not want bad influence friends that encourage me to make bad decisions and get in trouble at home. if i choose the right friends all the other steps will fall into place.  

Elbert Hubbard & Socrates Time Travel (Essay #2)

If Elbert Hubbard and Socrates time traveled to present day America they would be very confused. they would thing every thing was too complicated and would not like it here. they would not want to stay and explore, although they would be curious they would also be very much confused. they would also think our society is very spoiled and all the kids were brats. it would also be interesting to talk to them about all their experiences in the their time period. if Socrates and Elbert Hubbard visited the present day world they would be very confused. 

Friday, September 21, 2012


In human geo today some groups presented their power points on different countries. The first one was about Italy and it was very interesting. The next one was about Nigeria and that one was not as interesting but I still enjoyed it. My group did not go but we are probably doing it tomorrow. My group is doing a power point on the United States of America, we could not find very many facts about it at first, but in the end we looked really hard and found the facts we needed. We were given different terms that we had to incorporate into our power points.  Today’s class was one of the most educational and interesting one yet. 

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

First Day of School Post

This is a little late but here is my first day of school. It started out by me being a little scared but confident. I was not in Mr. Schick's class but I still had fun. I did not know many people but when I met people I was more confident. A lot of my friends are in my classes and I am very thankful of that. I made so many friends, now I know many people. I did not know what to expect from the kids and teachers but now I'm very comfortable with them and try to make new friends every day. My friends from Saint Margaret are at this school to but not all of them.  

Monday, September 10, 2012

World Fact Book Q&A

The population of the US is 313,847,465.

The five largest countries in the world are China, India, United States, Indonesia and Brazil.

The population of Pakistan is 190,291,129.

The US has a constitution-based federal republic; strong democratic tradition government.

The unemployment rate in Zimbabwe is 95%.

The largest country in the world by area is Russia.

The country with the third greatest amount of airports is Mexico.

The country with the greatest number of exports is the European Union.

The country that exports more oil then any other is Saudi Arabia.

The country that imports more oil than any other is the US.

The country that consumes more oil than any other is the US.

Women can serve in the Chinese army.

GDP means Gross Domestic Product.

Liechtenstein has the highest GDP per capita, it is $141,100.

The US is not in the top ten.

The 11 countries with the highest number of deaths from HIV/AIDS can be found in Africa.

The other country in the top 10 is India.

The US rank in HIV/AIDS deaths is 18.

No, the US is not number 1 in Cellular Phones.

23.9% of the US is Roman Catholic.

76.5% of Mexico is Roman Catholic.

The Net Migration Rate is the difference between the number of persons entering and leaving a country during the year per 1,000 persons.

No, the US does not have the greatest Net Migration Rate in the world.

The current population of the Earth is 7,021,836,029.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Notes On Notes

Today in class we learned to take notes. Crazy, right. We actually took notes on taking notes. We heard a story about Illinois and had to take four or more notes on it. After we took the notes the class was told to write a brief blog post about it, using our notes. We were given approximately five minutes to complete it. After that some of us read them aloud. One student wrote about the wrong thing and it was pretty funny. The class also got off subject a lot; we were talking about capitols, which was completely off subject. This class is probably my favorite class of all. At the end of the class we learned that the lesson, that we had learned the entire class, was for fourth graders. We all thought it was pretty funny! The lesson was actually challenging for other people, but not for me.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Human Geo 9/4/12

Today's class was both fun and educational. I learned how to determine if a website is the real deal, or not. We saw this website that looks like some sweaty guy, in his mom’s basement, made it. It was not very thought out and not exciting. We also disused Wikipedia and how it can sometimes be true, but you have to be careful of the sources. We also learned that ".gov" means it is a reliable site, or ".org." You should always research the author of the site to tell whether or not to use it’s a reliable site. If it is not a reliable site you should never use it. If you do not know about a site then you should still not use it.         

Monday, September 3, 2012

Greek Words Defined

Arête- in its basic sense means excellence of any kind. In its earliest appearance in Greek, this notion of excellence was ultimately bound up with the perception of the fulfillment of purpose: the act of living up to one's full potential.
Polis- this is an ancient Greece city-state, it also means citizenship and body of citizens.   
Socrates- was a classical Greek Athenian philosopher. He was one of the founders of Western philosophy. Through his interpretation in Plato's dialogues, Socrates has become well-known for his impact to the field of ethics, and it is this Platonic Socrates who also lends his name to the ideas of Socratic irony and the Socratic Method.
The death of Socrates- Socrates was sentenced to death by a deadly poison, hemlock, which made it a fast but painful death for him. He had the chance to go into exile but he refused. He also had the chance to take back what he said but he did not want to take back his beliefs.  
The date 508 BC- after the three-year in 508 b.c. a man named Klisthenis came to power. He placed the basics of Athenian democracy. The most notorious was the acceleration of races.   Agora is the chief marketplace of Athens, center of the city’s civic life. The word means “gathering place” or “Assembly.”  
What the ancient Greeks meant if they called you an idiot- in ancient Greece if you did not vote for someone you would be publicly marked as an idiot.